Mollificio Modenese is 2024 ESG certified
Mollificio Modenese has obtained ESG certification from Synesgy for 2024, the first global network dedicated to the ESG world intended for large companies and the world of SMEs with the aim of increasing awareness and transparency in production chain processes.Synesgy is the digital global platform that evaluates the sustainability of companies and allows them to [...]
Sustainable people are not born, they become sustainable step by step
We are proud to share that a first ESG assessment recognised our commitment.
Spring calculation: Mollificio Modenese raises the bar with Hexagon
Mollificio Modenese is taking precision in the control of its springs to a new level with the implementation of the Hexagon software for the calculation and verification of various spring types, including compression springs, tension springs, torsion springs, cup springs, strip springs, and more. This software provides a wide range of tools for spring design and sizing, [...]
Summer Closure
Summer Closure Our office will be closed from 07/08 up to 25/08. Reopening on 28/08. Friday 4th August, open untill 2pm. Happy Holidays!
We are pleased to announce our partecipation at MecSpe 2023, from 29, 30 and 31 march in Bologna.
We inform our customers that our offices will be closed on December 9th.